Mulheres em cargos de gestão: dificuldades vinculadas ao gênero
A inserção das mulheres no mercado de trabalho vem aumentando nos últimos anos, em que se destacam as mulheres em cargos gerenciais, que adaptam a vida doméstica para dar conta da carreira, mesmo com a existên-cia de fortes barreiras a essa incorporação. Tendo em vista esse cenário, o presente trabalho visa apresentar a melhora do mercado para as mulheres, em especial para as que ocupam cargos de gestão intermediária através dos dados da Pesquisa de Emprego e Desemprego (PED), realizada na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA). Apesar dos conflitos de papéis femininos no trabalho e na família, constata-se redução da taxa de de-semprego das mulheres nos anos 2000 em conjunto com a diminuição do hiato de gênero e aumento da escolari-dade feminina. A análise também mostrou um aumento expressivo de mulheres ocupadas em cargos de gestão. Apesar do processo de diminuição das desigualdades de gênero no mercado de trabalho, elas ainda persistem, em especial ao se analisarem os rendimentos médios auferidos e o tempo médio de permanência no emprego referente ao contingente de ocupadas em níveis gerenciais.
Palavras-chave: mulheres em cargos de gestão; mulher e trabalho; Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre
Título em inglês: Women in management positions: difficulties linked to gender
Women’s insertion in the labor market has increased in recent years, especially women in management positions, adapting their domestic life to cope with their career, even with the existence of significant barriers to this entry. Given this scenario, this paper presents the improvement of the market for women, especially for those occupying middle management positions, using data from the Employment and Unemployment Survey (PED) in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre (RMPA). Despite the conflicting roles of women at work and in their families, a reduction of the unemployment rate for women in the 2000s is noted in conjunction with a decrease in the gender gap and an increase in female education. The analysis also shows a significant increase of women employed in management positions. Despite the reduction process of gender inequalities in the labor market, they still remain, in particular when we take into consideration the earned average incomes and average time spent on the job, when analyzing the number of women employed in managerial levels.
Keywords: women in management positions; women and work; Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre
Palavras-chave: mulheres em cargos de gestão; mulher e trabalho; Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre
Título em inglês: Women in management positions: difficulties linked to gender
Women’s insertion in the labor market has increased in recent years, especially women in management positions, adapting their domestic life to cope with their career, even with the existence of significant barriers to this entry. Given this scenario, this paper presents the improvement of the market for women, especially for those occupying middle management positions, using data from the Employment and Unemployment Survey (PED) in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre (RMPA). Despite the conflicting roles of women at work and in their families, a reduction of the unemployment rate for women in the 2000s is noted in conjunction with a decrease in the gender gap and an increase in female education. The analysis also shows a significant increase of women employed in management positions. Despite the reduction process of gender inequalities in the labor market, they still remain, in particular when we take into consideration the earned average incomes and average time spent on the job, when analyzing the number of women employed in managerial levels.
Keywords: women in management positions; women and work; Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre
mulheres em cargos de gestão, mulher e trabalho, Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre
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