A política comercial brasileira e a integração latino-americana

José Tavares de Araujo Júnior


This article analyses the specific conditions luling the Latin-American context,
particulaily, the influence exercised by the Brazilian economy upon the region and the
opportunities now open for a more effective regional integration in view if the bilateral
integration treaty recently signed by Argentina and Brazil. Contrary to a widespread
argument, the externai debt crisis is not identified as the main cause for the reduction
of global trade among the Latin-American countries registered in the 80 's. On the contrary,
the main issues are the foreign trade policies practiced by Brazil, México and Argentina,
as well as the internai contradictions in the own government programs implemented by
the countries in the area. Furthermore, trade balances within the region could be subject
to fuU clearànce by means of a regional monetary unit of account, even though non-
-convertible, instead of partially cleared in U. S. currency - as is now the case with the
CCR (Reciprocai Credit Agreement) - provided Brazil and México were ready to take
the risk of a unilateral initiative. The article also emphasizes that the success of the
integration program between Argentina and Brazil is a prerequisite for the future growth
of the latin-American economy.


Integração econômica; Política comercial

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ISSN 1980-2668