Planejamento estadual no Rio Grande do Sul - 1959-74

Renato Antônio Dalmazo


The article examines the state economic planning formulated for the state of Rio
Grande do Sul from the years of 1959 to 1974. Thiough a comparative analysis, the
author evaluates its importance to the national economy. Especial attention is given to
the autonomy of "the regional state" regarding to the industrialization proposal wich is
in the planning, In this sense, it focuses on how the strategy of Rio Grande do Sul development
planning is linked to the natural economy, in teims of financing economic
growth and also regarding the economic policy. Accordingly, the purpose of this article
is to summarize the basic reseaich of the author's tesis.


Planejamento econômico

Texto completo:


ISSN 1980-2668