Capitalismo, Estado y dependencia: ¿qué sentido tiene el concepto de Nación en la periferia?
El trabajo discute el uso del concepto de nación como categoría teórica en los análisis acerca del desarrollo y dependencia en América Latina. Inicialmente, se hace una discusión acerca de la noción de totalidad adecuada al tratamiento de la problemática del desarrollo capitalista y de las relaciones jerarquizadas entre los espacios del sistema mundial. En ese sentido, se argumenta que el movimiento del capital, en general, solo puede ser comprendido en su lugar ideal, el mercado mundial. Adelante, se problematiza la idea de Estado-nación, que pasa a ser entendida como un momento necesariamente fluido de configuración de la relación entre el proceso de valoración del capital y su dimensión espacial. El desenvolvimiento capitalista dependiente latinoamericano es visto como uno de esos movimientos en que la combinación de cierto dibujo del orden mundial con un determinado arreglo de fuerzas sociales locales produjo un resultado único. En ese sentido, se hace una crítica del uso cosificado de la idea de nación en los estudios de la dependencia, vista como un ente con potencial de desenvolvimiento. La ilusión del desarrollo es percibida en profundidad y, así, adquiere una perspectiva dramática.
Palabras clave
Estado; dependencia; América Latina.
Capitalism, state and dependency: what means the concept of Nation in the periphery?
This paper discusses the use of the concept of nation as a theoretical category in the analyses of development and dependence in Latin America. First, we make a discussion on the notion of totality suitable for the treatment of the problem of capitalist development and the hierarchical relationships between the spaces of the world system. In this sense, we argue that the movement of the capital in general can only be understood in its ideal place, the world market. Going further, we problematize the concept of nation-state, which is understood as a necessarily fluid moment of the configuration of the relationship between the process of capital valuation and its spatial dimension. Latin American dependent capitalist development is interpreted as one of those moments when the combination of a certain configuration of the world order and a definite arrangement of local social forces has produced a unique outcome. In this sense, we make a critique of the reified use of the notion of nation in the dependence studies, seen as a being in itself with the potential to develop. The illusion of the development is perceived in depth and thus acquires a dramatic perspective.
State and development; Dependency; Latin America.
Classificação JEL: B51; B24; P16; P52
Artigo recebido em jan. 2013 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2014
Palabras clave
Estado; dependencia; América Latina.
Capitalism, state and dependency: what means the concept of Nation in the periphery?
This paper discusses the use of the concept of nation as a theoretical category in the analyses of development and dependence in Latin America. First, we make a discussion on the notion of totality suitable for the treatment of the problem of capitalist development and the hierarchical relationships between the spaces of the world system. In this sense, we argue that the movement of the capital in general can only be understood in its ideal place, the world market. Going further, we problematize the concept of nation-state, which is understood as a necessarily fluid moment of the configuration of the relationship between the process of capital valuation and its spatial dimension. Latin American dependent capitalist development is interpreted as one of those moments when the combination of a certain configuration of the world order and a definite arrangement of local social forces has produced a unique outcome. In this sense, we make a critique of the reified use of the notion of nation in the dependence studies, seen as a being in itself with the potential to develop. The illusion of the development is perceived in depth and thus acquires a dramatic perspective.
State and development; Dependency; Latin America.
Classificação JEL: B51; B24; P16; P52
Artigo recebido em jan. 2013 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2014
Estado e desenvolvimento; Dependência; América Latina