Política de serviço universal e liberalização das telecomunicações: a experiência brasileira no contexto de uma agenda de transição

Jorge Ruben Biton Tapia, Vagner Bessa, Renato Antônio Dalmazo


The goal of this paper is to analyze the issue of Universal Service
under the light of these processes of structural changes and the appraisal
of the content of Universal Service itself, in particular the Brazilian
experience, especially the case of São Paulo. The exam of perspectives
of universalization of telecommunication services in Brazil will take into
account three kind of factors: (a) the context of institutional changes
recently associated to the rise of a new model of regulation and competition
in the telecommunication sector; (b) characteristics of the strategy of
privatization of Brazilian system, especially in what concerns the concept
of universal services; (c) the socioeconomic characteristics of Brazilian
society, especially in the State of São Paulo.


Inovações tecnológicas; Telefones; Privatizações

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ISSN 1980-2668