A produção social e seu caráter estrutural

Duilio de Avila Bêrni


This article attempts to link traditional and new concepts of
development economies. To begin with, it points to productive surplus, a
phenomenon which engendered commodity exchange. However, if
exchange led to the market creation, market itself is far from being the only
responsible for the allocation of resources. On the contrary, the market can
be sustained only in societies which rely on an enormous network of social
relations. Thus, it is a mistake to assume that the market alone is able to
regulate all dimensions of social life. Public goods encompass market
failures, while firms result from costs due to using the market. The main
achievement of the market mechanism is the steady increase of labour
productivity. But even this apparently benevolent feature creates increasing
unemployment. In particular, the Third Industrial Revolution increased
production, but reduced employment. This implies social exclusion, unless
the existing distributive rules are changed.


Política social; Produtividade; Mercado de trabalho

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ISSN 1980-2668