A tríplice revolução da geração keynesiana: notas sobre a dinâmica da difusão das idéias econômicas

Fábio S. de Sá Earp


This paper discusses the dissemination of economic thought as a
socialization process and proposes that, in at least certain cases, the
implementation of new economic schools is a result of the origin of a new
sociological generation. This approach is centered mostly on the interaction
between economists and their clientele and include a relatively large
number of explanatory variables. Keynesianism has been chosen as an
example mostly because of the abundance of recent studies on the subject.
This paper regard the difusion of Keynesian ideas as a result of three
revolutions: the theoretical revolution, the economic policy revolution and
the pedagogical revolution.


Economia keynesiana - Aspectos sociais

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ISSN 1980-2668