As áreas de fronteira na perspectiva da globalização: reflexões a partir do caso Rio Grande do Sul/ Corrientes

Naia Oliveira, Tanya M. de Barcellos


This paper sheds light on aspects concerning the impact of
globalization on geographic areas on the border of different countries. It
focuses the border areas in Latin America, which are currently undergoing
a process of market integration. This article includes an analysis of the
international and national debate concerning the world wide economic
restructuring as well as of the theoretical issues involved in the concept
of frontiers. in addition it includes a brief empirical analysis of the border
areas between the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and the province of
Corrientes In Argentina. The study tries to Identify the main changes
produced by the integration process, in particular its effects on the
economy of these regions as well as on social relations.


Relações econômicas internacionais; Fronteiras

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ISSN 1980-2668