O setor informal: balanço de 25 anos de trabalho

Philippe Hugon


The author starts off by examining the informal sector and the
employment Issue in the 70's, as well as Informal sector and the
dynamics of micro-enterprises In the 80's. Thereafter he defines the field
of study, and the operative definitions based on "exauté" criteria and
analytic decompositions into typologies and "fllières" are opposed.
Within the issue of "informal sector, or the triumph of the market
over the State", the analysis goes on to discuss the submission of
production forms to Capital, as well as the limits of the theses on this
submission. It then arrives to the treatment of "Organization Economics
and the Informal", where the former seeks to observe collective levels or
organizations, and investigate in which aspects individual behaviour are
coordinated by rules. Four levels are then defined, which progressively
deviate from the orthodox theory, both in what concerns productor's
rational decisions and commercial organization of small production


Setor informal (Economia)

Texto completo:


ISSN 1980-2668