A renda da terra e a moderna formulação do imposto único na obra de Henry George

Maria Heloisa Lenz


The article's main purpose is to analyse Henry George's thought on
concept of the land rent and the formulation of the modern "single tax"
proposal. The introduction presents a retrospect on the land rent concepts
developed by authors prior to him and the importance of studying this
concept. In section one it is focuses on "Progress and Poverty", published
in 1879, which include his study of land rent. ln section two analyzes
Henry George's position on the classical and the marginalist paradigms.
Section three presents a detailed and accurate study about his theory of
distribution and the relation with rent land theory. Section fourth presents
George's analysis of the effects of land speculation and crises of effective
demand. In the last part it is examines his single-tax proposal with respect
to the theory of land rent.


Renda; Riqueza; George, Henri 1839-1897

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ISSN 1980-2668