A indústria brasileira em crise: um abordagem da regulação

Luiz Augusto Estrella Faria


Brazil experienced an intensive cycle of economic growth and crisis
between the seventies and the eighties,. The core of this behavior was the
industrial sector. This paper analyses this recent cycle in the ligth of the
regulation approach. It starts analysing statistical data of Brazilian industry
in order to detect the causes of that movement. It is possible to point out
as the main cause of crisis the failing rate of produtcivity growth and the
rising real wages in the second half of the seventies that produced a decline
in the rate of mark up. The same movement was detected by regulationist
researches on developed countries and was assumed as the main cause
of the crises of the so called fordist mode of development. In this way, the
mode of development of Brazilian economy can be seen as an adaptation
to a peripheral country of that kind of capitalist accumulation and described
as a "tropical fordism".


Crise econômica; Produtividade industrial

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ISSN 1980-2668