Liderazgo de las grandes empresas industriales privadas mexicanas e mediados de los noventa

Celso Garrido


The economic leadership that large private Mexican industrial enterprises
have obtained in their country and overseas since 1983 is a result
of the interaction of their strategic response to the new national and
international economic conditions and State policies aiming a structural
economic change and stimulating the leadership of these enterprises. AM
of this has occurred in the frame of important changes in the standards of
productive specialization and International commerce in Mexican manufacture.
Up to now, the results suggest that the New Mexican economic
entrepreneurial leadership is problematic, for it has a low capacity of
creating "virtuous circles" of sustained development, innovation, and
productive integration. To enhance the possibility of achieving of these
objectives, public actions are needed.


Industriais; Empresas; Política econômica

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ISSN 1980-2668