El Mercosur ¿un nuevo escenario para la inversión intra y extra-regional?

Martín Buxedas, Luis Stolovich


Regional economic integration processes promote investments and
new enterprises amongst and inside the integrated countries. In the "Mercosur"
case, although it is a recently initiated process, most of the investments
have not so much taken place due to integration as for political
decisions (debts conversión, privatization, promotional regimes). External
flow has transformed itself into new rent seeking. Despite its relatively
smaller importance and its incipient character, intraregional undertakings
of regional firms have become more dynamic as a response to the new
competitive context. Regional perspective begins to be a reference to
entrepreneurial strategies. But we are still very far from the conformation
of a "regional capital". The harmonization of policies relative to foreign
investments between the "Mercosur" members should consider these new
undertakings and prevent fiscal dumping, that favors foreign extraregional


Investimentos de capital

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ISSN 1980-2668