As elites empresariais e a Nova República: corporativismo, democracia e reformas liberais no Brasil dos anos 90

Eli Diniz


This paper unfolds itself into two main parts. The first one is about the
characteristics of the industrial entrepreneurs' formation and consolidation
process during the various phases of the import substitutive industrialization.
The second one analyses the changes that occurred in the 80's,
pointing out the continuities and ruptures with the historically Consolidated
standard. Among the points that are put in relief, we observe the
reinforcement of the trend to interest differentiation and its division in
sectors, as wells as the diversification of Instruments and acting practices.
The increasing weight of the lobby activity and the experience of the
"Câmaras Setoriais" are pointed as possible modalities of pressure and
entrepreneurial interest representation, inside an ample social configuration
of hybrid and multiform tenor.


Empresarios; Corporativismo

Texto completo:


ISSN 1980-2668