O discurso empresarial no Brasil: com a palavra os senhores banqueiros

Ary Cesar Minella


From a sociopolitical perspective, the article focuses on the main characteristics
of the Brazilian financial system In the 80's and early 90's, analyzing the financial
entrepreneurs' views in relation to three subjects: (a)liberalism and neoliberalism;
(b) relationships with non-financial entrepreneurs, taking into account corporative
and political points of conflict and convergence; (c) relationships with banking
employees and attitudes towards collective action. The study spotlights the leaders
who constitute the directorates of the principal organs representing the interests of
the sector: National Federation of Banks (FENABAN) , Brazilian Federation of
Banking Associations (FEBRABAN), National Confederation of Financial Institutions
(CNF) and Brazilian Association of Commercial and Multiple Banks (ABBC)
which represents the small and medium-size banks. The bankers' view are deduced
from the following sources: articles and interviews appearing in the general press
and in specialized journals, publications and documents from the banking organs
themselves, and texts of conferences, lectures, etc. offered on diverse occasions.


Banqueiros; Capitalismo e financistas

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ISSN 1980-2668