Inovações tecnológicas: o impacto de "just-in-time" na estrutura da empresa

Acyr Seleme


This paper examines the configurations of the organizational structure from
the point of view of the just-in-time system. The evaluation is directed by the
analytical model of Fombrun (1986,1989). The general objetive is to discuss the
implications of the Introduced modification, by the technological innovation, within
the 3 structured levels under consideration (infrastructure, sociostructure and
superstructure), i.e. inside the structuring of the company. The preliminary analysis
of structuring configuration is sustained by other theories and empirical studies on
the follow-up of introducing just-in-time in companies. As result, the paper sugests
that the improvement and the test of the Fombrun model may be positive in
understanding the impact of technological innovations.


Inovações tecnológicas

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ISSN 1980-2668