Algumas características da industrialização gaúcha

Achyles Barcelos da Costa


This article is composed of three parts. The first studies the changes in
the structure of the brazilian economy between 1930 and 1945, comparing
them to the ones occured in Rio Grande do Sul and calling attention to the
late industrialization of this state. The differences of the weights of the larger
industrial sectors (durables, non-durables, capital goods and industrial inputs)
in the composition of the industries of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil are also
analyzed. The second part discusses the role of industrialization in the
creation of new jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, compared to the
experiences of mature industrial economies. The third part studies the relative
eficiency of the industry of Rio Grande do Sul, compared to the brazilian
industry, based on the analysis of the size of industrial plants in terms of
number of workers.


Industrialização; Economia regional

Texto completo:


ISSN 1980-2668